Weather Stations make a mark in Nigeria
Updated: Mar 26, 2020
Wagtech Projects and the government of Malawi through the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (DCCMS)with support from UNDP has procured two Multi Instrument Lake Buoys.

The Buoys are equipped with sensors to monitor weather and water quality parameters such as wind speed and direction, rainfall, temperature, atmospheric pressure, turbidity, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, waves, current profiles and dissolved oxygen just to mention a few parameters.
The data from the Lake Buoys is transmitted in real time to the server installed at the headquarters of DCCMS, from which it can be accessed from any device. This means the devices can be managed completely remotely.
The objective of the project was to expand hydro-met infrastructure to generate reliable climate/weather and water quality information which will be disseminated to people who use the lake for fishing and transportation activities.
There is an overwhelming need globally to measure weather changes in order to maximise crop yielding as well alerting of weather changes using early warning systems.
#Nigeria #weatherstations #wagtech #installation #automaticweatherstations #earlywarningsystems #climatechange