Our simple emergency response kit is able to test for the basic water testing parameters set out by the World Health Organisation (WHO), namely pH, free chlorine, total chlorine, turbidity, temperature and faecal (thermotolerant) coliforms.
Its small, single buoyant case format allows easy carriage and fast deployment and can withstand the challenges of fieldwork. A single incubator with easy to use soft key digital controls. Adjustable temperature setting allows for the incubation of faecal (thermotolerant) coliforms. The number of petri-dishes used can now be varied, up to a maximum of 20, without compromising performance through use of the PetriLok® system. This maintains stability of smaller numbers of dishes during transport. A high performance rechargeable battery pack is built in to the case behind a hinged panel allowing easy access when required. This pack includes an inbuilt docking station for the incubator, allowing easy removal of samples when required.